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[TCML] was RE: Findinding.. Now: Greg L reconfiguration ruff in, hand drwan is fine.

Greg, et al,

Can you email me or post somewhere what your "reconfiguration charging
schematic" basically looks like and what I am assuming is a diode chain that
acts something like a transient suppressor. I assume you still incorporate
an RF coil. I must assume the way Richie Burnett first drew his do and don't
configurations has changed and it would be very useful to graphically know
how. Nothing ruins the day more than "letting the smoke out".

Thank much,

Jim Mora

-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Greg Leyh
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:43 AM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] Findinding the facts of a 3 P unknown transformer 50:1,
"black Box" and Charging inductor(s) design.

Hi Bert, Stefan,

The L-diode filter is a great way to filter DC links, since it provides 
heavy damping with low losses and virtually no Q.  It's analogous to a 
shock absorber in a car suspension... the diff-eqs are quite similar.

The event that drove me to switch to an L-diode filter was finding a 
bunch of molded 45kV diode stacks in the scrapyard.  :D


> Hi Greg and Stefan,
> The combination of resistors, capacitors, and spark gaps in a Terry
> filter provide a low-pass filter and protection from primary strikes.
> The resistors and MOV's provide rapid damping of energy from UHF/VHF or
> other over-voltage transients. But the protection comes at the expense
> of significant parts count and added power losses. This filter was
> designed primarily to protect fragile NST's, and it should provide
> similar protection for other fragile upstream components, such as
> charging inductors. However, Greg's approach is more cost-effective and
> efficient.
> Until Greg's last post, I was unfamiliar with his current protection
> approaches. His L-diode protection scheme has the advantages of being
> robust, easier to construct, and significantly more efficient - and it
> has demonstrated its reliably in large systems. Stefan, I see no reason
> why a similar approach shouldn't work for your system as well. I
> certainly can't argue with success.  :^)
> Best wishes,
> Bert
> Teslalabor wrote:
>> > Hi Greg & Bert,
>> >
>> > very interesting! Regarding my 6-pulse rectifier, I now have a better
>> > feeling :-) Concerning my other question, it really seems to be a good
>> > idea, to use any form of protection circuit, for not killing the
>> > reactor. Greg's concept of L-diode damped filter is completely new to
>> > but sounds very cool, whereas I also never have built a Terry Filter
>> > before in my older (not DC resonant) systems. So the question is,
>> > I use a simple Terry Filter or this L-diode arrangement. A terry filter
>> > doesn't have any L in it....
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Stefan

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