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Re: [TCML] DC Coil progress and MOT configuration


Best approach would be to connect the two core ends of the series MOTs 
together, and take the high voltage off the two opposite HV terminals.  
That puts the least voltage stress on the secondary:core interface.

You do have to phase the two series MOTs so their outputs are additive, 
or else you will get no output.

For the transformer you are using as a current limiter, you have to 
short the HV winding (and optionally the filament winding, if still 
present), or else you will get relatively little current passing through it.

If you are just using the setup to draw arcs, then the current limiter 
is a good idea.  If you are using it to charge a resonant charging DC 
TC, then you would not want the current limiter transformer in the circuit.


On 11/27/2013 5:26 PM, Neal Namowicz wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm usually just a "lurker" here, trying to pick up some tips here and 
> there, but all this talk about mots has piqued my interest. So, if I 
> may, just a couple comments and questions...
> First, can anyone recommend a site where I could see some schematics 
> for putting mots in series? I'm more of a visual learner, so with the 
> schematics I could pick up on easier than explanations.
> Here's what I've tried in the past, but the output didn't really seem 
> to double as hoped. Using 3 mots at 110 vac, the first I used as a 
> current limiter, while the next 2 are in series with the output of the 
> first connected to the core of the second. I don't have a way of 
> metering the output, but based upon the arc I was drawing, it didn't 
> seem to be any improvement. BTW, current is limited to about 15 amps. 
> Yeah, I know, like Tim the Tool Man would say, "More power!", but what 
> kind of results can I hope to expect with 110v limited at 15 amps? I 
> could probably bump that up to close to 20 amps, but that's about it.
> Well, thanks in advance for your help and suggestions,
> Neal.

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