I cannot thank you enough for you time helping me out with this. I
took all of the advice that I received and went to work. I pulled it
all down, checked it piece by piece. The big task at hand was my power
supply. I pulled the entire thing back out of the oil and set it up on
the workbench, hooked up one of my spare mots backwards to get a nice
6.3v input and started testing my phasing and wiring. Once I had that
complete I dropped them back in the oil and started on a ballast. The
easiest thing I could do right away was a shorted MOT.
Well, I got first light tonight! And what a show it was. Seeing as I
am still working on the ARSG I just used my sucker gap but it runs and
runs well. I haven't even had time to tune it yet but it lives and it
was a great show and a wonderful night!
Thank you all again!
Here is a video of it up and running!
Have a wonderful night!