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Re: [TCML] Pole Pig Question

Dan McCauley and David Sharpe have already posted good answers to your inquiry and all that I wanted to add to their response was that anytime there is a lower voltage rating hyphenated with a higher voltage, the "real" voltage in single phase mode for coiling purposes is the lower voltage' in most cases. As Dave explained, the higher voltage rating only applies to cross-phase hookup in a wye configuration and is equal to  the square root of 3 (or about 1.732) X the lower single phase voltage rating - 7200 X sq. rt. 3 = 12,470(Y), 7970 X sq. rt. 3 = 13,800(Y), ect. So, if you're looking for a 14.4 kV rated pig, then you will be looking for a label that states its primary high voltage side rating as "14400/24900Y".

David Rieben

Miles Mauldin <TeslaMiles@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am in the market for a pole pig, and my first choice is a dual horn, HV 14400, LV 120/240. I se several different voltage combinations and am wondering what are the differences.  My biggest question is why some of the 7200 HV units don't list 14400 as the total HV? If this information is in the archives please direct to its location.
>Continue to enjoy all the expert posters and information provided.
>Miles Mauldin
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