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Re: Success Re[TCML] Measuring secondary current

I realize that's the principle, but this is an SSTC built on Steve Ward's MicroSSTC example. The frequency of oscillation is determined by an antenna, which should be picking up the E-field from around the primary and secondary. If I understand right, this E-Field should always be oscillating at the resonant frequency of the primary + secondary system... which means it should track changes in the resonant frequency.

Or am I way off?

On Sun, 2 Sep 2012, vatercox@xxxxxxx wrote:

Andreas, all,

The reason that the  lamp dims or goes out when the secondary is approached is due to the "detuning" effect of the human body -or indeed any similar conducting object- in the vicinity of the oscillating secondary- which raises the capacitance secondary-to- ground ground capacitor "system" resulting a a decrease in the secondary resonant frequency;  since the secondary is no longer resonant at the frequency at which it is being excited by the "generator" (i.e the primary tank circuit)  less current circulates in it and is available to light the lamp. The same thing happens with an LED when the seconary is excited  by an electronic "function" generator like Terry Fritz's reknowned "Tesla Coil Tuner" for the same reason albeit at lower i.e safer power levels.

JF Cox

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