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Re: [TCML] Using tree as RF ground

On 10/6/12 4:39 PM, Dave Leddon wrote:
Interesting article.  This could be a boon to Tesla Coilers everywhere
if we can just figure out how to locate the rebar and connect a wire to it.
Making the connection shouldn't be difficult once you have a hole
drilled down to the rebar. You could use a lead concrete anchor and a
long lag bolt. The problem would be knowing where to drill.

Capacitive coupling to the slab is probably just fine at 100kHz. You're not trying to conduct fault current from a power line and need a <25 ohm impedance.

Let's assume you have a square meter of aluminum sheet that sits a couple mm from the slab..

The capacitance is C = epsilon0 * area/spacing = 8.84E-12 * 1/0.002 = 4.42E-9 Farad.. 4.42nF

Now, what's the impedance at 100 kHz (typical TC frequency).. about 360 ohms..

Make it 4 square meters and you're down to 90 ohms..

But, even better, that 2x2 meter aluminum sheet provides a very much lower resistance return for the fields from the top load than the soil ever will.

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