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Re: [TCML] Re-visited - Newbie question - Where does all the energy go?
The diameter reducing extensions at the ends of of the copper tubes can be
made of metal too. As long as the diameter is smaller than the tubes, the arc
won't occur in that area. The non-conductive separator can work well also
as you said.
A good design too for a spark gap is the so-called RQ/TCBOR style
in which the air blows through the tubes and cools them from within.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Sutter <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sun, May 27, 2012 10:00 pm
Subject: Re: [TCML] Re-visited - Newbie question - Where does all the energy go?
Thank you Kurt,
To your suggestion 3 a, the answer is they were firing distributed along the
length of the tube. but not anymore. I only noticed
this after reading your post. The copper tubes are squeezed into an U-shaped
acrylic tube holder. Where the tubes meet the acrylic,
the acrylic is 'copperized', as if it would have been copper plated. And that is
where the spark gap is firing now. Underneath the
'copper plating' there is carbonization. So I will make a new spark gap and put
a non conductive separator between the tubes and the
acrylic, then I will try again to run the coil.
Vielen Dank und GrĂ¼sse in die Schweiz.
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