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Re: [TCML] Found a cap on ebay

0,15 µF/65 kV, MAXWELL HIGH VOLTAGE, PULSE CAPACITOR,cat. # 31435. He wants $220 for it. Does anyone have info on this unit. Seems physically small for this rating. May not hold up well? . Found some posts on pupman that say 'size matters'
Re: Maxwell capacitor question

Also maybe some useful spreadsheets. I know someone on the list once had a maxwell spreadsheet listing many caps, this maybe it;

Maxwell Capacitor Catalog pages
Tesla mailing list

Hi Michael,

In general, Maxwell 31XXXX series pulse capacitors are rated for only 1 pulse per second (PPS). Known exceptions are the 31393, 31583, 31662, 31677, 31687 and 31981. There may be others. At the very least, call the folks at General Atomics to have them provide you with the spec sheet for the 31435 capacitor before purchasing it. Although Maxwell 1 PPS-rated caps have been used successfully in smaller Tesla Coils, they will be lossy. In high power applications, they can fail prematurely with little or no warning since the interior may overheat and fail before the case even becomes warm.

Try to locate a Maxwell 37XXX series cap instead, since these use a polypropylene dielectric and are rated for 500 - 1000 PPS. Or, build your own MMC using CDC snubber caps or similar.

BTW, many Maxwell (now General Atomics Electronics Systems) capacitor specifications can be downloaded from their new capacitor inventory page - see:


Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering
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