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RE: [TCML] PCB Boards

I believe the files for that particular board are in Eagle Format you could
down load those files (You will need the free eagle PCB software) and create
the gerber files the board house needs. Once you get the gerbers made put
them into a zip format and then send the gerber files to a board house of
your choice and have them send you a quote send it to several and take the
best quote. That is a two layer design and it has a pretty small foot print.

You can have the boards made by most board houses without any solder mask or
silk screen that's called a bare bones proto board and those are relatively
cheap, but there will be no markings on the board, so you will need to print
out a component placement document so you know where to place the
components, you can actually lay that document right on the board and go
from there( make sure to take the paper off before placing components don't
place parts through the paper). Use the top silkscreen and bottom silk
screen layers for the placement printout. 

Otherwise you can just have the board house add solder mask and silkscreen
to the board, it ups the cost but they look much nicer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cole Awesome-Jordan [mailto:jordancole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 3:13 PM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] PCB Boards

I haven't start boards and I don't any plans set yet. I'm scouting out info,
in about half a year or a year i hope to build a DRSSTC something like this
And I'm just trying to figure all the parts sourcing now.

Anybody know a general idea of how much this will cost?

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