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[TCML] why only secondary height dictates Top load size.
Thanks for the answers on the multiple spheres.
Got another question. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel so if this has been answered in another thread please let me know. I’m trying to understand ,a little deeper , the relationship between the size of the toroid and the secondary. In a perfect situation shouldn’t the reactance of the toroids C be equal to the reactance of the secondary’s L ? Again I am referencing the tesla map program. The only parameter that will change the “optimum Top load cap” is the height of the secondary winding , not the size of the wire nor the form diameter. Why? Open a “new” file in tesla map in just plug in the secondary input parameters and try it. You can plug in say, 14ga or 42ga and will still come up with the same suggested top load pf. This tells me there is no reactance matching between the TL and the sec coil. Why doesn’t the pf required change when the wire size changes, which results in a different number of turns, as this makes the reactance between the two unbalanced. Why does the height dictate the size or C of the top load.
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