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Re: [TCML] Displaying Tesla Coil in Shopping Mall

Insurance of $1000 per year! Is that all?
None of the 8 or so specialty event insurers would touch me in Australia. Govt regs say I can then approach an overseas insurer.
Found an insurer in New Zealand for $10,000/ year. Ouch.
Even more Ouch was that shortly after I signed the company went bust after the massive claims of the Christchurch earthquake. Although I thought I had lost the lot, I have just now a year later received a 30% refund. Attempts to get another insurer have only been able to get one for a bargain price of $4000 but... I need major Risk management plans for every performance (a many page document) and everyone to sign legal waivers.
And of course that doesn't cover me or my operators.
That is for one event or many.
I have needed to show documentation for my Australia's Got Talent show and also the Town Hall show.

Not so much as a hobby, but more a bottomless pit.

Peter,  www.tesladownunder.com

-----Original Message----- From: Steve Ward
3) Last but not least, should I get some insurance and sign some kind of
agreement with the mall owners?

Im not sure what the right answer is here.  I would hope the maker
faire has some sort of blanket insurance for all the stuff going on
there.  Our group does have insurance, but it likely wouldnt be
economical for you to pay for it.  The insurance itself costs us
something over $1k per year, which isnt much for us, but i think a
quote for a single event was still in the hundreds of dollars range.
I'd personally take the risk and do the faire without any insurance,
but i'd be very careful about my setup and safety (mainly 2 points,
proper clearance and visibility around the tesla coil, and the ability
to instantly remove power from the system).

For about 98% of the shows we never have an incident with public
safety... but on about 2 events ive seen an audience member do
something really stupid, like try to run up to see the tesla coils "up
close".  Of course we kill the power long before they make it anywhere
near them so we have never actually had anyone get hurt.


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