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Re: [TCML] difference between 10 mA from a flyback and a low voltagePSU ?

Had to laugh. I think you will find that R = 3,000,000 ohms rather than 0.000000333333333. In any case the DC resistance will be very much less as it is mostly the inductance causing the "resistance" at 20kHz.

-----Original Message----- From: Scott Bogard
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 6:40 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] difference between 10 mA from a flyback and a low voltagePSU ?
Hi Alphonse,
     I kind of see where the confusion comes from, keep one thing in
mind, Ohm's law is infallible...  Let me explain, when you are dealing
with a flyback, it is capable of putting out 30kV, and it may be capable
of putting out 10mA, but not at the same time (unless it is a
ridiculously powerful flyback.)  Now, ohms law, I=V/R, assume your V is
30,000, and assume your I is .01, R must be 0.000000333333333, which is
seemingly just not true in real life. .......
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