After seeing Finn's "Prediktor" controller use the lead compensator so
nicely, i developed my own, though have yet to publish it in any formal way:
And now the switch timing can be controlled much better, allowing the IGBT
turn on to happen really at zero current, which keeps the wheeling diode
recovery from causing big voltage transients.
Fra: Justin B<boshjack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Til: TCML<tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dato: Lør, 02. jul 2011 22:49
Emne: RE: [TCML] DRSSTC weird waveform behavior
Just giving an update to progress.
currently, I have an inductor and resistor (1ohm - 100K) in parallel
with my CT. Turning the potentiometer, does nothing at all. However,
the inductor has helped. If any one can give feedback as to what im
doing wrong with this POT, please let me know. because it does
NOTHING. The pot is in working condition.
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