On 1/25/11 3:55 PM, Scott Bogard wrote:
I was planning on eventually building a DC coil eventually anyway, and I
have enough microwave oven capacitors and diodes that I could build a
MOT based level shifter with all the current I can handle, not sure if
that would cut it or if I would need a resonate charging inductor, which
could be made with more MOTs in theory. Since it is triggered it
shouldn't need an especially high voltage I suppose, so 4kV was where I
was aiming. The biggest hurtle I see is cooling, having that arc that
close to glass for prolonged periods will be tricky, but maybe if I run
cold air or oil or even water through the tube, its life expectancy
should be similar to glass jar capacitors I'd imagine, even if I only
get 15 minutes out of it glass tubing is a lot cheaper than IGBT's, and
is easy to replace...
Search back through the archives and you'll find that more than one
person has done a triggered gap. You don't need the glass tube, for one
thing. I'd use an auto ignition coil as the trigger pulse source. You
know it can handle audio rate pulses, and you might be able to repurpose
some sort of magnetic pickup ignition with an opto isolator to make life
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