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Re: [TCML] Coil V4 fail

Hi Stephan,

The thing that really sticks out to me is that
you have WAY too much primary C. I be-
lieve someone has already mentioned this
(Scott Bogard?) and he is correct. I would
recommend the primary C be reduced down
to the 50 to 100 nFd range for more optimum
performance as your power supply could ne-
ver fully charge that massive of a primary C
in the milliseconds dwell time of your ARSG.
Remember, the stored energy of a charged
capacitor is directly proportionate to the
size of the capacitor but it will increase as the
square of the discharged voltage.

David Rieben

----- Original Message ----- From: "Teslalabor" <teslalabor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Coil V4 fail

really no one has any thoughts about my new TC and its melting SRSG, because of its energy transfer problems?

Here again two videos and the specs of the system:



In my opinion the sparks should be far longer.

Input: 0 - 400V 20A from variac
Tank circuit: 4 PT's each 100V / 10000V. Connected in series on low voltage
side and parallel on high voltage side. So if variac is on 100%, every PT
gets 100V and delivers 10kV. They are ballastet on the LV side via a ballast
inductor with air gap, so that the short circuit current without tank
circuit is arround 950mA.
Caps: 2 commercial BOSCH Pulse Caps each 25kV / 500nF in series, giving 50kV
/ 240nF measured.
Gap: Propeller Gap:


Secondary is 25cm diameter, 1,5m long
and wound with 0,5mm wire + 0,4mm spacewinding.

The following problems: I think the coupling is to tight. Actually the lower turn of the secondary is 3cm ABOVE the flat primary. When I put it lower, I
get bad racing sparks on the secondary surface.
Should I remove some inner turns of the primary, so that I can put the
secondary lower? Would this prevent the racing sparks?

Next possibility: Is 240nF to much capacitance in this TC? The matched capacitance for resonance at 50Hz are 318nF, so I actually run the system slightly STR. I have some more of the pulse caps. Should I put a third one in series? Then I would get 166nF tank capacitance. This would increase the bang voltage and so the bang size, of course
I would have to change the firing of the SRSG some ms earlier. Would this
decrease the gap losses and so solve the heating problem of the SRSG?

Best Regards
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