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Re: [TCML] Double nested primaries / using 1 NST as 2 xfrmers?

Once I put 2 power supplies, 2 caps, 2 spark gaps, 2 flat primary coils on the same secondary coil.  I fire one 1 power supply at a time and got it adjusted then I fired up both power supplies at the same time.  The output was not much different that using just 1 power supply BUT every once in a while it would shoot a long spark that was about 6" longer than normal 20" spark.  You would do better to put 2 transformers on the same primary if your looking for longer sparks.

If your looking form some cool effects you can build a ion motor it is pretty cool.  Another thing that is really amazing is place an aluminum pie pan on top of the coil as the top load. Put 2 tablespoons of alcohol in the pan.  Don't use much alcohol for safety reason if you spill a small amount it won't be a big deal.  Ignite the alcohol with a match and it burns with a blue flame.  Fire up your TC and the blue flame turns into a 30" ball of blue sparks.  It appears to be 100,000s micro size sparks like a large blue ball of steel wool. I did this on my 4" TC with one 15k 30ma neon.

You can do some cool photography with HV the photos look like X-Rays.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Brian Hall <brianh4242@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Mar 2, 2010 11:05 AM
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [TCML] Double nested primaries / using one NST as two xfrmers?
>I had an idea on using a 'pancake' coil as a primary, but made of heavy gague speaker wire (16 or so) wound flat, but with room in the center for the secondary with enough of a space between them for good coupling.  The two wires would remain parallell and horizontally next to eachother all along the flat spiral.  
>Then each of the two wires would be treated as its own primary.  My question is that could I use each half of my 15/30 NST as its own 7500/15 xfrmr, each operating its own cap/spark gap circuit, and then use that to feed each of the two separate parallell primaries?  And since NST's are phased, or so I have heard, each primary would fire one after the other at 30 hz each? or 60 hz each? for each side of the primary?  
>And of course, would this sort of setup likely give better performance and bigger sparks with two primaries giving resonant rise up to the secondary at twice the normal rate (if that is what would happen?)
>Brian Hall 
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