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Re: [TCML] Pole pig ( does it never end? )

Check with DC Cox, he usually has such things for the best price you'll find anywhere, shipping is expensive but you'll probably end up better off anyway. With that said, you should try MOTs first if you haven't already, it will give you a taste of really big power and not hurt your wallet at all, my power supply cost me nothing and gives 54 inch sparks from a 4-inch coil, just 2 MOTs and an ASRSG. I've had a pig for a few years but haven't had the time or funds to set up a control panel to use it, it is a big project as it runs on 240V and needs at least a 40A breaker (60 is better.) Anyway a sync gap won't do well with MOTs, unless you have a capacitor the size of Maryland which would negate the cost benefit of free transformers. My advice begin working on your ASRSG (lots of different methods available, angle grinder, default induction motor (fixed breakrate), VFD) and while doing that find some MOTs, you'll want the ASRSG anyway once you get the PIG, after all a LTR cap for a 10kVa Pig would be like .2uF at 50kV, probably a grand or two there alone, ASRSG makes that not necessary, .05 is fine for even huge systems (I have seen a 14 foot spark from a magnifier with only .05 uF capacitance, but it ran 900 BPS) so go cheap and just pump up your break rate until desired awesomeness is achieved. Anyway I'm a relative rookie to these other guys so what do I know?
Scott Bogard.

On 7/21/2010 12:27 PM, Joe Mastroianni wrote:
Guys ( and you are, mostly)
I've been searching the archives the past three days for clues of sources of pole pigs. Lots of data available but also dated - like 5 or more years. I wonder if there's any recent info. For instance has anyone recently acquired from Solomon or T&R? Temco is literally within an easy driving radius. Are they a source?

I could start cold calling these suppliers but like most technogeeks I find that form of human interaction to be abysmal and would much prefer to know apriori that I will reach a friendly ear ( or to just use email )

Any help much appreciated.

With kind regards

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