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Re: [TCML] Source for 1H air-core inductors

--- On Thu, 6/18/09, Greg Leyh <lod@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Greg Leyh <lod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [TCML] Source for 1H air-core inductors
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009, 8:40 PM
> Hi All,
> I can offer one potential source for 1H air-core inductors;
> two will come free with purchase, as part of the NLL
> Project.  ;)
> Each of the NLL secondary windings will have an inductance
> just over 1H.
> If desired, they can be arranged in series for 2H,
> total.  The 1H claim can be confirmed using Faraday's
> Law; secondary coilform dimensions are 29ft dia, 105ft
> winding length, and 1.8" turn-turn
> spacing.   GL
Jesus of Mary, I must protest. Two distinct observations can be made concerning high inductances. First is the ratio of resistance to inductive reactance at the tested frequency whereby the "acting" q factor of the inductor can be determined upon further balancing of equal capacitive reactance; both in series and in parallel to ascertain the "real" actions of the circuit compared to the "theoretical" Q factor that should exist.
In this regard simple measurements exist to show that high inductances may be gained by the transformer iron core as a toroid primary/secondary action. However the gain of inductance  there is not practical for resonance schemes. I doubt whether a single 1 henry coil would do much good either. It is simply impossible to believe that given the supplied dimensions of this coil that it would only be in the micro-henry range still. Indeed I am building a one inch separation wind of ten ft diameter near 47 windings, so my observations on that completed structure can be shown. It takes 9000 windings of 23 gauge wire on a 12 lb spool to make a 2.4 H air core inductance. I dont know how you can use Faradays law to deduce the above, or whether it is just a joke upon people who seriously look upon these things.
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