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Re: [TCML] Terry Filter Resistors
I have 'LCR' meters, bridges, and Q meters and use whatever is
appropriate. Bridges are most trustworth. No universal solution but I
consider the meter to be a useful guide for relatively high Q stuff but
always question the results. They're often quite good but not always.
Great for sorting parts however.
Better LCR meters read "Q" at 1000 Hz. 50mH at 1000Hz is .314 ohms.
Sort of hard to see with 1000 ohms in series... Your going to have to
pump MHz through there to see the inductive effects... The 27XT is a
wonderful meter and I use mine almost every day :D But it is designed
to measure the inductance of grandma's old tube TV's inductors, not
complex things...
I have the digital signal generators and all if some "experiment" needs
to be done. Time is short these days, but if a question needs an
answer, I will make it so...
Best Regards,
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