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Re: [TCML] Still stuck at 36"

Thank you DC. Yes, "if" it were say a rod gap (flat face) of 3/4" diameter, about 13kVp. But, considering this is a pipe facing end to end (with roughly a 0.05" thickness of the pipe sheet thickness), the breakdown voltage should be roughly 8.3kV. Pressure does change the breakdown voltage and it appears the pressure has nearly doubled (which would put you at about 16.6kVp). This would be really cool to verify in a controlled test rig of sorts. I wonder if Jim Lux has any data on say breakdown at 2x pressure?

It would probably be beneficial to have the electrodes side by side rather than end to end. But a little difficult practically in a T-fitting chamber. I agree, a little adjustment now and then is no big deal considering the performance.

Thanks for the voltages.

DC Cox wrote:
Full xmfr voltage (peak) is 16.8 kV (12 kV Erms).  At this gap setting the
actual voltage would be less, but unfortunately I can't find my data on the
breakdown distances for 180 mils.  I did post this in the archives a few
years ago, so it's there somewhere.

Yes, arcing across ends.  I use 3/4" dia. copper pipe and it does slowly
burn away, but the performance is certainly worth an occassional adjustment

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