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[TCML] Gaussfest 2009


The Gaussfest 2009 (UK Teslathon) is on again this year on Saturday 7th March 2009 in Chilwell Nottingham.

The Gaussfest is an informal meeting of people interested in building High Voltage equipment teslacoils, multipliers, van de graff's, wimshurst machines, violet ray machines, ignition coils, and it gives the opportunity to bring, test, experiment, demonstrate and view any of the equipment that others have brought.

Further details regarding the event are at http://www.extremeelectronics.co.uk/gaussfest and photos from past events are at http://www.extremeelectronics.co.uk/gaussfest2008 http://www.extremeelectronics.co.uk/gaussfest2007 http://www.extremeelectronics.co.uk/gaussfest2006

Anyone is welcome to attend (as long as they are over 14), but please let me know you are coming by emailing me at tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at least a week in advance and I will send more detailed information on the location of the event, local transport & hotels and safety arrangements.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in coming please invite them too.

If you bring a Tesla coil, or other piece of equipment to show this year you get in for only £3 (Visitors £5), but please contact me in advance with details of what you intend to bring.

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