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Re: [TCML] MOT Measurements

Hi, Bart
Thanks for this comment, i see the point and perhpas some confusion has been occuring (maybe only in my mind !)

I do see the point that the L I am referring to in as you point out the leakage inductance.

I've been a usr of MOT's now for many applications they are a cheap and plentful resource so the nore we understansd what they can do ther better

There was a request for the full resonace run so I've put it below
0.6uF 398v
0.75uF 467v
0.9uF 569v
1.05uF 705v
1.2uF 910v
1.35uF 1082v
1.5uF 1181v
1.65uF 1235v
1.8uF 1283v
1.95uF 1318v
2.1uF 1340v
2.25uF 1352v
2.325uF 1347v
2.4uF 513v
2.475v 464v
Ted in NZ
Mike W can you phone please lost ur phone no after u moved Ta

Man diid that MOT pukll primary current near resonance
----- Original Message ----- From: "bartb" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] MOT Measurements

Since Xc=Xl at resonance, L = Xl/(2 * pi * F) = 1414.7/(6.28 * 50 ) = 4.5H.

Seems logical, yes? The problem here is that this L is "not" the
secondary inductance, but the leakage inductance of the MOT which the
capacitor is resonant with (so yes Ted, your data was very helpful). The
self inductances of the transformer are very different. They can be used
to find the leakage inductance (and thus identify Cres).

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