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Re: [TCML] X-ray cable best practices for feeder cable
Hi Jim,
I surely like the safety aspect of a
grounded, terminated coaxial cable. The feeders in utility company under-
ground HV are all of course coaxial and carry AC though not pulsed
hopefully. The big difference I suppose is the capacitance per foot.
Thanks to all for suffering though this thread. I do believe it is an issue
that engineers that specialize in this effect would help put to bed.
You bring up a good point of which I have also considered.
Power companies run high voltage AC underground all of
the time and they seem to be able to manage "unwanted
resonances". And the transmission line from the power
transformer to the coil's primary circuit should not be car-
rying significant "pulsed" voltage either. Of course you
can't help what may feed back towards the transformer
from the primary circuit but its main purpose is to carry
the 50 or 60 hz HV from the transformer to the primary
Jim Mora
David Rieben
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