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Re: [TCML] X-ray cable best practices for feeder cable
ok, then explain this:
Running 14.4 kV into a standard Tesla oscillator circuit, I observed fat
capacitive sparks firing across a 125 kV BIL pole pig bushing.
I saw this with my own eyes so I know it is possible and I recommend using a
safety spark gap to detect this ---- or keep buying pigs if
a resonance occurs.
So, please explain how we went from 14.4 kV to in excess of 125 kV?
This is certainly more than 2 or 4 times the input value.
My only explanation is blumlien, and according to the book, Power
Electronics, by Sargent, it is possible with a single coaxial coil to
achieve this.
D.C. Cox
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Peter Terren <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> DC and I disagree on this.
> In my opinion the most likely cause of huge arcs at the pig end is a
> disconnection of the secondary earth. The base of the secondary then arcs to
> the primary and puts the full TC voltage onto the primary line. Easily
> gives huge arcs at the pig. Ask me how I know.
> In my reading of Blumlein voltage multipliers using coax cable and spark
> gaps, it is possible to get 4 to ?8 times voltage multiplication with
> multiple gaps and complicated multiple coaxes. It is not just a simple coax
> and gap that will do it though.
> I use earthed coax for safety reasons.
> Peter
> www.tesladownunder.com
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "DC Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [TCML] X-ray cable best practices for feeder cable
> Resonance can be quite wonderful, or, as Phil explains in his examples,
>> very
>> destructive.
>> Resonance in your HV feeder cable is not something you want, so I avoid
>> using any feeder cable that is coaxial in nature, ie, has a ground
>> shield around it. X-ray cables were designed strictly for DC power
>> transmission and not for transferring AC power.
>> Been there, done that ----- and it cost me a pole xmfr!
>> Dr. Resonance
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