Hey Andrew...
Since Im ADD and dislexic, my thinking process is totally wacked ;)
but here are my thoughts...
break rates are only avantagious when they are matched to the power
available to charge the cap within the time between "presentations" of
each electrode alignment.
if it takes your power supply to charge the cap to full potential in
lets say 2 seconds, then a break rate of once per 2 seconds is the
"best" rate to use. Are you running 50 Hz system?? In a 60 Hz
enviroment, the peaks appear at 120 times per second, thus the favor
for a 120 BPS rotory ( synchronized rotory is best when matched
approximately to the peaks). But, here is the clincher, you need a
power supply that can achieve or excell the requirements which can
"top off" the cap to full capacity to get the most from the
primary/cap combination. Options are to either use smaller caps ( uF
wise, more primary turns, less trannie output amperage) or go for
larger caps ( uF wise, less primary turns, more trannie output
amperage) and try to keep the BPS about the same...
pretty much as in you need to empty the bucket so many times per
second but wish to have the bucket filled to the max at each moment
you empty it... too small a water supply ( trannie output) the bucket
never gets filled when it comes time to empty it. If your water supply
is emmence, the bucket can be filled quickly and "overflow" but this
gives you the opportunity to empty the bucket even faster than you may
need to ( a higher BPS can be used) . So I suppose its a matter of
finding that water supply, the right sized bucket and the number of
times per second you want to empty it when its full....
just my thoughts... ( hey you asked ;) )
Scot D
Teslamad wrote:
What do you guys think the best break rate for an ARSG? I've heard
240 - 400 bps
Currently, I'm designing a new gap with 10 rotary electrodes, 2
stationary electrodes, 1550 RPM motor, and if my math / formula is
(1550rpm * 10 electrodes) / 60 = aprox. 258.33 bps
What do ya think?
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