Hi Bart,
I know JavaTC does not do flat ribbon, Though I was just going over my
figures and noticed that ribbon had a totally different inductance
than round conductors. It is something I do not realise before. Is
this going to effect the mutual inductance figures if the primary
value reads 4uH (not actual 1uH) ? Possible the mutual inductance
figure maybe 4 times higher than I first thought ?
The primary will still be 24" in dia (was even looking at 48"
yesterday but changed my mind). 1uH is about the figure for 24" flat
strip, However, I need even lower if possible. I am currently looking
at 4 or 6" wide strap 0.035" (same as before).
Though if yourself or anyone has any tips to lower the resistance or
inductance then it would be of great help.
For resistance, I can either have 3x 2" wide straps soldered totally
together (will be messy!) or I could space them out a fraction to act
as resisters in parallel. Though I am a little wary of linking
resistors in parallel at such low voltages and such high currents.
----- Original Message ----- From: "bartb" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] JAVATC primary inductance calculator
Hi Chris,
From 4uH to 1uH is pretty extreme, but yes there is a big difference
between ribbon and round conductors. Javatc does not run ribbon style
primaries (yet). Your the one that pointed out the inductance
differential on your 4 turn ribbon primary. At the time I looked and
confirmed the difference myself, then wrote Paul. Kurt also verified my
numbers. Paul then went back and used four parallel wire filaments
spaced across the width of the ribbon, connected in parallel. He was
then able to get a reasonable number. But the initial try using a round
conductor showed the inductance far too high. Javatc simply cannot do
ribbons at this time.
Given that your primary previously was 18uH and now your talking about
1uH, maybe you could share the new primary design specs (for a 2nd pair
of eyes to take a look).
Chris Swinson wrote:
Hi Bart,
In JavaTC I get 4uH primary inductance, but in your strap calculator I
got 1uH.. I know the strap one is right, I know JAVATC is not
crunching using strap, but just checking whets going on there it says
the primary is 4uH which does not agree with the strap calculator even
though I assumed a strap of 0.25" and dia of 0.25" in JAVATC...
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