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Re: [TCML] Telsa coils + capacitor bank = ?

I 99% sure Bill Wysock and/or Dr. R. did a similar experiment years ago.  Perhaps one of those folks will chime in?

Aaron, N7OE

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Bert Hickman <bert.hickman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Telsa coils + capacitor bank = ?
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 12:39 PM
> Hi Josh,
> I'll give it a try...  :^)
> Josh Bailey wrote:
> > Hi Bert;
> > 
> > I recently made friends with Greg Leyh and attended
> the recent Norcal 
> > Teslathon - 'twas grand (I made my first tiny coil
> back in July so have 
> > had a... rapid introduction to the field).
> It looked like quite a fun event! And Greg's lab makes
> me drool... :^)
> > 
> > While there we worked on using Greg's largest coil
> to strike a graphite 
> > rod, connected to ~100uF of capacitors charged to
> ~20kV.
> > 
> > I had some naive questions about what we observed, and
> Greg suggested you 
> > might have some interpretations? I'm a network
> engineer by trade so please 
> > forgive being a newbie - just want to understand what
> is happening.
> > 
> > Here are two series' of photos (frames from an
> MJPEG capture running at 
> > about 30 fps):
> > 
> > http://vandervecken.com/images/capbanktest1/
> > http://vandervecken.com/images/capbanktest2/
> > 
> > Q1. What conditions must exist for the capacitor bank
> to discharge? We 
> > noticed that sometimes the graphite was struck
> multiple times before it 
> > discharged. We also noticed that sometimes the bank
> was not fully 
> > discharged (still had 3-4kV on it).
> In general, the brightness of a spark is a proportional to
> the amount of 
> current passing through it. The base of air discharges from
> a Tesla Coil 
> (TC) is the brightest and hottest part since the sum of all
> the 
> branching discharge currents pass through the main channel.
> As you move 
> away from the terminal, the discharges begin branching,
> with each branch 
> carrying a portion of the total current. As the current
> flowing through 
> more distant branches becomes progressively lower, the
> channel diameters 
> become smaller, and the discharges become more purplish and
> dimmer. The 
> tips of the discharges transition to a bluish glow (the
> streamer-corona 
> region) where the gas temperature is barely above room
> temperature.
> Unconstrained sparks and arcs in air have a negative
> resistance 
> characteristic: the more current you force through them,
> the hotter 
> their cores become, and the lower their electrical
> resistance. Because 
> the more distant channels are cooler and smaller in
> diameter, these 
> remote channels are considerably poorer electrical
> conductors.
> When a Tesla Coil is operating near the limit of its spark
> length, you 
> may see sparks sporadically/weakly connect the TC terminal
> to ground 
> without the characteristic brightening that we usually
> associate with TC 
> ground strikes. In this case, although the spark has indeed
> bridged the 
> gap, the combination of high resistance from the discharge
> path, and the 
> fact that we are close to being max'ed out on TC
> terminal voltage, 
> prevents any major increases in channel current - even
> though we've 
> actually bridged the gap. This will occur for regular coils
> and those 
> using a high energy capacitor bank for secondary boost. It
> takes a 
> significant increase in channel current to start the
> runaway process 
> that culminates in the hot arc that's necessary to
> discharges the 
> capacitor bank: the increased current heats the channel,
> reducing the 
> channel resistance, which further increases channel
> current, further 
> heating the channel, etc. etc.
> While a barely connecting spark may not provide a
> sufficient current 
> "bump" during the final jump to initiate the
> runaway process, a slightly 
> "stronger" spark will. Once a bridging arc has
> been initiated, it will 
> then persist, discharging the capacitor bank pretty much
> independently 
> of further Tesla Coil operation.
> > 
> > Q2. What is the sequence of events at discharge?
> Assuming that we've bridged the gap, initiated the
> runaway process, and 
> formed a bridging arc, the energy in the capacitor bank
> begins flowing 
> through the secondary, terminal, and arc, completing a
> series LC circuit 
> that oscillates at a low audio frequency (that you can
> easily hear when 
> the capacitor discharges). The combination of secondary
> winding 
> resistance and arc resistance eventually dissipates most of
> the stored 
> energy from the bank.
> During each oscillation, the arc current passes through
> zero, 
> temporarily extinguishing the arc. Usually it is quickly
> reignited by 
> the high voltage from the capacitor bank. As the energy in
> the system 
> decreases, so does the arc current, causing the arc
> resistance and 
> overall arc voltage drop to rise. The voltage drop across
> the arc is 
> also proportional to its length. As the bank energy
> decreases, a point 
> is eventually reached where the arc can no longer be
> reignited, and the 
> arc goes out for good.
> Once the arc finally extinguishes, residual energy will
> still be left in 
> the capacitor bank. This is typical behavior for an LC and
> spark gap 
> system. Because of the relatively long arc involved in
> Greg's system, 
> the stranded bank voltage is proportionally higher. You may
> also see 
> significant variation in residual bank voltage if the Tesla
> coil 
> continued to operate during the bank discharging process,
> since it would 
> assist in reigniting the arc channel.
> > 
> > Q3. The arc changes colour several times (before and
> after the strike). 
> > What's going on there?
> There may be several things occurring here. The arc itself
> changes color 
> depending on how much current is flowing through it. Low
> current arcs 
> tend to be purplish, transitioning to a whiter color and
> then a 
> brilliant blue white at increasing current levels. In
> addition, the 
> carbon rod that was used as a target may contain metallic
> salts in the 
> core and a copper jacket - these may add other colors to
> the arc, 
> particularly at the end of the arc nearest the carbon rod.
> > 
> > Q4. I was thinking about trying to get a better
> photographic record of 
> > what's happening - other than longer lenses/faster
> cameras etc - please 
> > might you have any suggestions on how to better
> capture what's going on?
> Part of the problem is the huge optical dynamic range - you
> may need to 
> use 2-3 cameras simultaneously, each with different neutral
> density 
> filters in order to capture the entire discharge sequence.
> The main arc 
> channel is primarily a black body radiator. However, you
> may be able to 
> detect various spectral lines emitted by vaporized
> electrode materials 
> and excited gases near the arc core using a slit and a
> prism or 
> diffraction grating. Good luck!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> Bert
> -- 
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