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[TCML] Does this Staccato controller work OK with this VTTC?

To fuel our addiction further Pete and I (I know if sounds like we're married, but we're not, trust me) are going to tackle a VTTC based on the 833A tubes.
I'm currently researching the Staccato controller. Does anyone know if this controller:
http://www.easternvoltageresearch.com/oldwebsite/teslacoil13.htm <http://www.easternvoltageresearch.com/oldwebsite/teslacoil13.htm> 
Will run OK with this coil:
http://www.stevehv.4hv.org/VTTC5.htm <http://www.stevehv.4hv.org/VTTC5.htm> 
The designs look a little different from the controller on the SteveHV pages, but I'm hoping that the application is the same.
Steve H
(no V)

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