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RE: [TCML] Nicola Tesla acknowledged in a film

Matt - 
I would add also that in Eastern Europe, and other languages (Slavic, Indo-European) of greater complexity [gramatically], the name "Nikola Tesla" could have as many as a half dozen or more versions within each language depending on where it lies in the sentence and what function it forms.  (Gramatically Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Locative, Vocative, Instrumental cases - etc.)
This sounds like a useless post, but if you are searching for information about Tesla in another language, you will have to match his name (or the name of his invention, etc.) to the case for which you are searching, so that something "by" Nikola Tesla, or "about" Nikola Tesla, or "of" Nikola Tesla will normally have the the phonetic "NIKOL..." and "TESL..." as common words but the remaining letters representing his name will be gramatically changed to fit the declension or structure of each individual language, making it very difficult if the language isn't native to you.    
> Hi Dave,> > Nikola is the "usual" spelling in English. All translations of names > are phonetic, so the "correct" spelling depends upon the language, > time, and alphabet in which you are writing. FWIW, in Russian, the > "correct" spelling of Coca Cola is with three K's.> > Matt D.
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