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Re: [TCML] SISG PSU problem
Hi Herwig,
Herwig Roscher wrote:
- IMO resonant rise is not a special issue for MOTs but for other
trannies as well. Unfortunately I can't select the inductance of the
secondary winding of the MOT. I have to accept it as it is. Have you
calculated the resonant frequency of your pig/primary cap combination
No need. I'm running STR at 0.5 (1/2 the resonant size). Normally, that
might be a little dangerous in an solid state design if conduction
failed. However, given the failure mode seen so far (short), it will
simply fire at a lower voltage which is a neat feature of the SISG since
it clamps voltage to the quantity of Sidac's working.
Given Terry's information about Piranha II, do you plan to do anything
- I would like to avoid resonant rise in order to protect the MOT but
at this moment I do not know how it could be done.
That's not possible if keeping to Piranha II specs. It's in resonant
charging mode. However, maybe choking out the transients or RC filtering
would add some peace of mind, but the rise is what it is. Considering
MOT's aren't too difficult to come by, work them until they die. Who
knows, they may run fine.
Take care,
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