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Re: [TCML] Hot-Streamer.com domain name

Maybe we could still use it to promote a naturalist/nudist group page for people who like to enjoy soaking in the run-off water from geothermal springs...
Hot Streamer....   I made a funny  and I thought I didnt have a sence of 
humor ;)
Scot D

David Dean wrote:


Last time I checked, it was $100 minimum bid. Projected sales price was estimated in the $3k to $5k range due to the .com extension and the number of links to the site, as well as the amount of traffic it got. If everyone leaves it alone until it goes out of pending status and into available status it could be registered for about $10/year.
Hopefully someone with the "right" motives will acquire the registration. If 
that should happen, one option could be round robin DNS. That way the various 
mirrors share the load, and if one goes down, the user is redirected to 
Anyway, I would sure hate to see some commercial interest cash in on someone 
else's good work. Hot-streamer.com has become a brand in it's own right.

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