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Re: [TCML] Video of SISG Tesla Coil
Hi James,
Hey, you sent this video to the TCML a while back. I loved viewing the
video before my SISG was built, but I enjoy it even more now that I have
my own SISG running well. I've probably asked this before, but I'll ask
again. What cap size are you using with the pig? What is the toroid
size? The coil acts very similar to my own (as it should). I know you
can hear and feel the bps that the coil runs nice at, and the bps above
and below this ideal "sound" it will run erratic. I've found that as I
increased current further to achieve almost "double" the bps (from that
nice sounding 120 bps), that the bps begins to again run nice. It took a
while to get to that point for me, but it's appears that there is a nice
120 bps and another nice 240 bps area where the coil runs smooth (at
least for me). I'm not sure if you've hit that point or not, but thought
I'd ask (and why I asked about cap size as the cap will pretty much
denote the ability of this observation).
Spark lengths certainly increase with power across the gap (bps) in my
observation. I'm running a measured 65nF. The large cap size early on
associated with SISG's is only necessary if running low voltage MOT's.
If enough boards are used to get to a normal 15kVrms range, normal cap
sizes work just fine. It does appear more of a controlled power than say
a raw gap.
Anyway, I just viewed your video again for the first time after running
my SISG for that last few weeks and both our coils run identical as far
as their breakout style and sound to the sparks (so I thought I'd ask
mainly on cap size, etc.).
Thanks again James for sharing that great video!
Best regards,
James wrote:
Here's a vid of my SISG Tesla coil:
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