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[TCML] Pig Ears on eBay

Hi all,
I've shipped out everyone's order that has paid or has payment on the  way. 
Shipping is by UPS ground. If you have not received an email shipping  notice 
from UPS, please contact me and let me know how and when you want to pay  for 
your order.
I have also put a few other bushings on eBay recently, and you can see  them 
by searching for auctions from "artlab1824". There were also some larger  
bushings in the second batch I got that I will be putting on eBay soon, and I'll  
let you know when I do. 
I hope everyone gets their bushings soon and is pleased with them. Please  
let me know if there's any problems or questions. I've been crazy busy lately,  
so forgive me for taking a while to reply back to you. 
Best Regards,
Tony Greer
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