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Re: [TCML] Climbing Arcs

Hi Tony,
     I'm not sure if this is relevant to your circumstance but I built a 
Jacobs ladder with an OBIT stack.  One of my OBITs had a short on one of 
the secondaries which caused the arc to climb faster on one side than 
the other (the right side), when I replaced the bad OBIT, this problem 
went away, and I could actually get the arc to sit at the top of the 
rods if they were close enough together (and there was no breeze).  Here 
is a video of the faulty OBIT Ladder, you can see it twisting itself out.
I turn on the OBITs one at a time, hence the smaller arcs at first.  
Once again, I'm not sure if this is your problem or not (probably not) 
I'm also not sure why a short affects it at all.  Perhaps somebody else 
could shed some light on this mini-mystery.

Scott Bogard.

Sfxneon@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a spare 12.5 kVA/20 kV bombarding transformer and sliding choke  with 
> which I'm building a large Jacob's ladder using 3/4" x 10' EMT conduit. It  
> works reasonably well, but the arc tends to rise up the rails too slowly and the 
>  middle of the arc outruns the ends, resulting in a restart before it reaches 
> the  top. I've adjusted the angle of the rails from near parallel to about 
> 18" apart  at the top, without much success.
> Does anyone know how to tweak the performance of a big climbing arc so that  
> it will climb to the top of the rails more often? I'm guessing that increasing 
>  the air convection around the arc would help it to climb, so will  inclosing 
> it in a tall clear tube or box make a difference? Does the material  that the 
> rails are made of have any effect? How about the ballasting  of the 
> transformer, as far as inductive or resistive, etc? 
> Thanks,
> Tony Greer
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