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Re: [TCML] still learning javatc 3 days, coil lenghth

Hi Douglas,

I wanted to apologize for not realizing what you meant by "r1 lv 2.2 r2 hv15" in my last post to you. Today I realized you got that from Javatc! The fact is, we've never really used those terms so I simply wasn't adapted to recognize what you were saying. Those references (LV, HV) were included only a few revisions back at the request of a user. The low voltage end of the coil is how Geotc interprets radius 1 and height 1 and the high voltage end relates to radius 2 and height 2. This comes into play mainly with flat secondary coils where the coil can be either "rim grounded" or "center grounded". Actually, your method of specs (r1 lv 2.2 r2 hv15") is more descriptive.

Anyway, just wanted to say sorry for not realizing what you were specifying. I'll have to keep a better eye open on spec descriptions!

Take care,

PS. Did you ever figure out the problem?

bartb wrote:
Hi Douglas,

Reading your question is like trying to read short-hand (you must hate typing!). I'm still not sure what your asking? "r1 lv 2.2 r2 hv15"??? lv? hv? Well, still not sure (ok, I can guess but I "hate" guessing).

The toroid vertical position is measured from the center of the toroid to ground and the graphic will show that position relative to ground. Same with any object. The only problems I have ever seen in this area were caused by input errors.

If height 2 of your secondary is say 41" and you want a 4" x 16" toroid say 3" above the secondary as measured from the bottom of the toroid plane to the top of the secondary, then: 41"+2"+3"= 46" toroid height position. The 2" is 1/2 the minor diameter (the toroid vertical center).

The only way to get a some huge vertical space between coil and toroid is if you input the positions to be huge. I've never seen any problem in this area and I use Javatc daily (for years).

Take care,

douglas smith wrote:
ok the problem i am questioning abot is java tc specs
the first tim i did it i used a 36" tube r1 lv 2.2 r2 hv15wire dia .0203 looked incorect on drawing (big spac between toroid and sec) changed it to 41" and brought it to center of toroidbut in javatc i also input toroid minordia4 major 16 andcenter highth 41 same input on all others on both ????? can someone tell me why it fixed drawing thought i had it right first time thanks

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