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RE: [TCML] BPS Testing

Until I get that round tuit and scope my cap charging waveform along with NST current, check out this waveform I captured years ago of the .02uF cap voltage on my 15/60 w/ static gap.
There are several instances of multiple lower voltage bangs following a full-voltage bang.  It would be interesting to see if airflow through the gap affects this.  But my vortex gap in the waveform below does have a lot of airflow.

This is important!!!  One thing to notice is that every time that there are several smaller bangs occurring in quick succession, this ALWAYS happens following a point where the cap voltage charges almost to Vgap, but doesn't quite make it, then goes back through zero and soars to Vgap on the other side of zero.  I'd bet a Maxwell that the NST is cranking out a lot more current from the previously unspent bang, and with the gap still hot from the initial full-voltage bang, the breakdown voltage is diminished.  I definitely need to repeat this while also scoping the charging current.

Regards, Gary Lau

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lau, Gary
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:41 PM
> To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: [TCML] BPS Testing
> Hi Bart,
> As if things weren't complex, chaotic, and muddy enough, one further thing to
> ponder is whether the gap breakdown voltage does in fact remain consistent from
> bang to bang.  I have often wondered if in a static gap, if one bang closely follows
> another, if the likely greater concentration of ions (really not sure of their
> persistence) or just hot gasses or O3/NOx may affect and lower the subsequent
> bang's breakdown voltage. It's something that I can do with my scope and fiber
> optic probe, but just gotta get a round tuit...
> Regards, Gary Lau
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