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Re: [TCML] Spark gap assembly, acrylic?? and toroid size
I guess I was just wondering because nearly my entire base is made from PE.
I had several of the parts machined in a shop. Some of the holes are
threaded, and they work fine provided you don't over torque them.
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Lau, Gary <Gary.Lau@xxxxxx> wrote:
> I guess I wrote from a machinist's perspective. Very soft plastics like
> polyethylene cannot easily be machined to a high tolerance in the same manor
> as say Lexan or Delrin. It's not to say that it cannot be cut or drilled,
> just that it won't come out as nice. Tapping is also likely to be a
> problem.
> Regards, Gary Lau
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