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Re: [TCML] MMC pics

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz wrote:
You can just heat the joints with a soldering iron until the solder melts and then pull the parts away. Don't heat more than the strictly necessary, and be careful to not spill molten solder on you. Clean the solder from the leads with the soldering iron too. There is no need of a solder sucker for this disassembly.
Hi Antonio,

True, but if your going to solder, it's a good idea to have a solder sucker around. RadioShack here sells a little blue colored vacuum solder sucker for just under $10 U.S. About the price of 2 gallons of gas these days. I wonder how much Brazilian ethanol that would buy?

Anyway, it's not a bad little sucker, although it has a small vacuum volume. Better hand-suckers can be obtained from Mouser, Digikey, etc., but for home use, the RadioShack sucker is fine.
The Model No. is 64-2098.

Take care,
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