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Re: [TCML] Winding the primary

On Friday 11 July 2008 01:37:55 pm Neal Namowicz wrote:
> I have a couple of lengths of  "salvaged" tubing myself with a few too many
> bends in it. I wouldn't have bothered in the past, but with the cost of
> copper... Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has managed to UN-work harden
> tubing? I was thinking of sticking it in the oven on high heat for a while
> and letting it slowly cool. Anyone ever try it? It's a pain in the neck,
> sure, but compared to unpotting an nst for example, it doesn't sound too
> bad.
> Neal.


You need to heat to a dull red color, then cool slowly. Doubt you can get it 
hot enough to do any good in an oven.

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