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Re: [TCML] JavaTC mod : Tuning Mode

Hi Alex,

Sorry, Javatc can't be made to that. Javatc uses Paul Nicholson's Geotc to run coil computations. Inductance calculations are made by summing the contributions from a large number of small current filaments. Capacitance calculations use the boundary element method: the electrodes and coils are decomposed into lots of small elements and the potential matrix of this set is computed. From this the charge distribution and a capacitance matrix is obtained by matrix inversion. Resonance frequency and V/I profile calculations are made by starting with the capacitance and inductance matrices obtained above (as pulled from Paul Nicholson's Geotc page).

What your looking for is a program that runs basic Wheeler and Medhurst calculations. If that is done, then it's easy enough to enter a measured frequency and run numbers for LC. But not with Javatc. I understand why your asking, but it's just not capable of that type of modification.

Take care,

b alex pettit jr wrote:
Hi Bart,

How about an option whereby one can enter the measured Resonant Freq of the Secondary coil, its half power Freqs and have JavaTC calculate the associated tuning positions on the primary ? The half-power bandwidth tuning calculation would give a good 'visualization' of how precise to expect the Primary tuning point to be .. i.e. within 1 inch of turn, 1/10", etc.

It would then be possible to quickly add simulated 'streamer loads', measure the Secondary Fres and have JavaTC predict how far the Primary tuning point should be shifted.

This can be done by trial and error, but it is a pain !

My 4" is nearing its finished stage : I will be doing the measurements and prelim tuning adjustments today. Just a few more cosmetic tweaks and I'll post my WebSite for your perusal.

Alex P

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