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Re: [TCML] Was Primary Grounding now RF gnd Center ball safety gap / primary strikes

Most folks already have power run to their coil, for an NST, rsg motor, sucker/blower gap motor, etc. I currently don't, as my rsg is 3 phase, and I'm feeding my coil via x-ray and ground cables, but I don't have a problem running another. I'm an engineer. We love gadgets. If it ain't broke, it just don't have enough features yet.

As to running indoors, I haven't been able to do that for a long time, and I have a three car garage with 12-1/2' ceilings. Too small.

As to more ozone, I built two LARGE ozone generating facilities, and have a pretty good idea of the physics involved. We use LOX at work, but I don't see how moving air would make any difference.


--- On Fri, 12/19/08, Phillip Slawinski <pslawinski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Phillip Slawinski <pslawinski@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Was Primary Grounding now RF gnd Center ball safety gap / primary strikes
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Friday, December 19, 2008, 7:44 AM

> What I'm saying here is that is just an extra component
> that does not add to
> spark length, and requires another strike target (the power
> cord) be run out
> to it.  I'm not saying it is a bad idea, or that it
> would not work.  I just
> prefer simpler solutions like perhaps adding a second
> toroid for extra
> shielding.  I like to keep the component count down on all
> my coils.  I
> don't even use a safety gap, I just keep my static gap
> set conservatively.
> Another thing to consider is that if you run this inside
> you will be
> circulating more air around the TC and bringing in fresh
> air for it to
> ionize.  This could lead to the TC producing more ozone
> than without the
> fan.

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