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[TCML] Re: IGBT CM600 max current ?

Hi Gary,

The quote mentioned below was *not* from me.  Believe that was Finn's.

To answer your first question:
'So assuming an adequate DC power supply and 50 kHz as the resonant frequency of your Tesla coil's secondary (with a slightly larger topload attached), then a break rate of 50,000BPS will be no problem as long as the RMS current does not exceed the transistor's RMS current rating, correct? G.P.'

That is correct. But of course the transistors' RMS rating will have been exceeded long before the break rate reached 50,000BPS. Probably around 1,000 to 2,000BPS. GL

Gary wrote:

Greg wrote:
> . . . In my opinion, it does not make sence to speak about BPS with a [CW oscillator type] coil like this, unless you pulse it.

> . . . you could only achieve up to 2500 BPS, because the [50kHz] coil
rings around 5-10 cycles at Fres . . . so all in all, there is not time
available to get any higher.


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