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Re: [TCML] hi

Hey Alen..

Increasing the topload ( toroid) size can increase the voltage standoff value and can increase streamer length a tad, but if it is too large, the streamers wont become visable ( there will be discharge of corona instead). Also, the voltage created by the secondary should be more than the toroids capacity to hold a voltage.... ( sort of like needing more air pressure to make a ballon pop that what the balloon can hold)

The spark gap is self extinguishing... it just looks as if it is constantly on....its turning on and off at approximatley 120 times per second (for a static gap). What one would like to accomplish, is to have the gap quench at the 1st or 2nd cycle produced in the primary/main cap ring up ( this is theoretical and is best case senerio) to allow 90+% of the energy to be "trapped" in the secondary to be transfered into the toroid. Generally, the primary/cap will oscilate at whatever frequency it has been designed for several times ( maybe even a few dozen times) before the gap will quench. The longer the primary/cap oscilates, the less power is allowed to be maintained in the secondary due to some of that energy is being "reflected" back into the primary, secondary resistive losses, primary resistive losses and other parasitic energy eaters ;)

Scot D

alen c wrote:

I am wondering that if i make the top load capacitance larger will it improve the power output and the spark length, and also do i have to extinguish the spark in the spark gap while running the coil
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