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FW: Evanacence of Real History Re: Non-Radiative Evanescent Waves areback in the news, Political (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:38:02 +0100
From: Colin Dancer <colind@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Tesla list' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: FW: Evanacence of Real History   Re: Non-Radiative Evanescent Waves
    areback in the news, Political (fwd)

I agree you can get "longitudinal"/compression/sound waves in a plasma (a
highly ionized gas).

However, this is absolutely _not_ a phenomena you can observe in normal
breathable air, because:

* the density of ions in air is normally very low, typical no more than a
few thousand per cubic centimetre

* the mean free path (the distance an atom/ion/molecule travels before a
collision) for air at sea level is approx 0.1um.

* the charge on an individual ion is minute, typically just 1 electronic
charge (1.6 x 10-19 C).

These factors mean that random collisions with neutral particles dominate
any electrostatic interaction between ions by many many orders of magnitude.

Even if you keep the ions but remove all the neutral particles (think a near
perfect vacuum chamber with an incredibly tenuous cloud of ionized gas) the
density and charge levels we are talking about are still far too low to
sustain waves, with thermal motion totally dominating.

To get plasma waves in normal pressure air requires near total ionization of
the medium (think nuclear fireball or a huge electric arc).  Even if you do
manage to build a device to do this to large volumes of air, I recon I'll
stick to my wires for energy transmission rather than roasting everyone on
the planet.

So, plasma wave in a plasma *YES*, "mechanical, longitudinal oscillation of
ions" in normal breathable air *NO*.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 14 June 2007 16:37
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Evanacence of Real History Re: Non-Radiative Evanescent Waves
areback in the news, Political (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:48:51 -0500
From: David Thomson <dwt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Tesla list' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Evanacence of Real History   Re: Non-Radiative Evanescent Waves
    areback in the news, Political (fwd)

Hi Dave,

> >Seems to me that many saw radio the same way. Low efficiency, 
> >unreliable, too costly and telegraph is more reliable.
> dwp-Not sure who these 'many' might be.
> dwp-Hint I:  I have about two shelf feet of 'wirelss' _tech_ books 
> from before 1900.

Hint I.a: Perhaps the "many" are enumerated in your two shelf feet of
'wireless' _tech_ books!  

Hint I.b: Tesla should be among those authors and Tesla clearly stated that
his wireless system did not utilize Hertzian radiation, but utilized the
exact same principles as acoustic sound waves.

Nobody questions the mechanical power transmission of sound through air
molecules.  How could they, it is the basis of all human speech!  Soljacic
and Tesla are using the exact same mechanics as sound propogation except the
medium is the Earth's electrostatic field instead of air molecules.  

Radio waves can be propogated at audio frequencies, and yet they can go
undetected if they also do not oscillate physical matter into producing
longitudinal waves, which in turn create sound.  Similarly, as Tesla
discovered, charged surfaces (ionized molecules and electrons) can be
oscillated longitudinally with minimal transverse oscillations (Hertzian

The mechanical, longitudinal oscillation of ions need not be associated with
electromagnetic radiation or alternating currents.  The laws of physics
governing radiation thus do not apply to the mechanical oscillation of ions,
except in the near field.  Once the nearby ions are mechanically oscillated,
using standard inductive and capacitive coupling methods, the oscillations
then carry out into space purely by mechanical motion, not by EM radiation.

You guys just don't seem to get the concept that mechanical propogation of
ions is not governed by Maxwell's equations.  Only the initial oscillation
in the near field is governed by Maxwell's equations.  The mechanical
oscillations of the ions carrying into space are governed only by the laws
of acoustics as applied to the ionized medium.  
