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Moderator's note


My desire for the tesla list is to provide a means of communication
between people interested in tesla coils, their operation, and

The type of discussion is intended to be scientific and technial, based on
facts and observations.  

Back in 1994 when I started the list I witnessed the USA-tesla list's self
destruction where the topics were so removed from reality that people
interested in the science and construction of tesla coils left.  I wanted
to avoid such an occurance on my list.

Now however, I feel that I may have gone a little too far in the opposite
direction.  In clamping down on some threads before they got "out of
hand" I have stopped what I believe may indeed be fruitful discussions.  

I'm open to opinions and discussion on this topic.  Like I said earlier, I
don't want the list to go the direction of other lists, getting far off
topic and degrading into a sounding board for differing opinions.
Similarly I want to keep the list "scientific" in nature where there is
open discussion of hypotheses and observations.
