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Re: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 15:48:52 -0400
From: timjroche@xxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: 15kVA  12.6kV pole pig (fwd)


     already disconnected it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 8:32 am
Subject: Re: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig (fwd)

--------- Forwarded message ----------
ate: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 15:27:30 +0000
rom: David Rieben <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
o: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
c: drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx
ubject: Re: 15kVA  12.6kV pole pig (fwd)
Ok, wow, that is rather strange. Logic would dictate that your transformer
ould react the opposite to what you are describing -- a loud core satura-
ion hum when attaching 240 volts to the center LV and one of the outer
nes (that is the 120 volt tap) and better perfromance when attaching 240
olts to the outer two LV terminals (that would be the 240 volt tap). O yea,
 almost forgot to ask you about this issue. Is there a copper ground strap 
etween the center LV terminal and the case of the outer tank? Most single
hase pole trannies do come with one of these grounding straps and if it
s there, you will need to remove it and leave this terminal unconnected
floating" for Tesla coil use. That may explain why you are getting saturation 
hen running 240 volts through the 240 volt winding - it's being shunted out 
o ground half way through the LV winding. 
BTW, that transformer sounds like a nice catch ;^))
David Rieben
-------------- Original message -------------- 
rom: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> 
 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
 Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:28:24 -0400 
 From: timjroche@xxxxxxx 
 To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx 
 Subject: Re: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig (fwd) 
 Â Â yes, i am sorry, it is Tim, thank you. according to the factory 
 nameplate, it is a 120/240 LV. FYI -Â HV has a 5 position switch for 
 incramental voltages from 12,600 down to 10,500 VAC. 
 -----Original Message----- 
 From: Tesla list 
 To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx 
 Sent: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 6:40 am 
 Subject: Re: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig (fwd) 
 --------- Forwarded message ---------- 
 ate: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 14:08:31 +0000 
 rom: David Rieben 
 o: Tesla list 
 c: drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx 
 ubject: Re: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig (fwd) 
 Hi , is it Tim? 
 Are you sure that your newly aquired pole transformer isn't rated for 240/ 
 80 on its low voltage terminals instead of 120/240 since you are getting 
 etter performance by center tapping the LV terminals? 
 avid Rieben 
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 rom: "Tesla list" 
 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- 
 Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:57:34 -0400 
 From: timjroche@xxxxxxx 
 To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx 
 Subject: 15kVA 12.6kV pole pig 
 i have recently went from two Westinghouse PT's (about 5kVA) to a 15kVA 
 pole XFR. Holy Squirrelly!! i am running SRSG 3600 RPM 4flying (.5" 
 tung.)/2 station (.5" german silver). 0.1 uf hipotronics 70kV RMS tank 
 my biggest issue, besides the obvious current limiting, is getting the gap 
 to quench. went to 8 pole flying and basically made a jacobs ladder around 
 the rotor. like no quench at all. so back to 4 flying. am i way off or is 
 this a impedance problem on the LV side of pole XFR? BTW - i get nothing 
 but 60 cycle hum or saturation using 220 VAC RMS across the LV windings. 
 yet if i hook up my 220 VAC RMS with one leg on the CT or hooking it up 
 like 110 VAC RMS, i get much better performance. for those interested, i 
 was using a 1256 variac as voltage control and a 1156D as phase ajustment. 
 Now i have put a 3-stack 60 amp inline current limit. i first put 220 
 across it and turned the wipers till i was pulling 40 amp. then put it in 
 series. it is still only a 3 to 4 foot streamer. with my PT's, i can get 2 
 -3 streamers 6 to 7 foot long. 
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