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Re: [] conical secondary (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 04:58:08 +0000
From: david baehr <dfb25@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [] conical secondary (fwd)


Hi Bill,

       My Old ( and first T.Coil book ) High Frequency Apparatus , shows
cone coils and states that a cone coil should be 1.5 times  the dia  of
the base in hight,....

     Would the rule of  approx  900 - 1200 turns of wire also apply  for
a cone coil ?    This Ol' book says 500 turns,...but this is slighty out
of date,...( ha ha  ) 1916

    Thankyou for your input !!!

                                       Dave B





      From:  "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
      To:  tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
      Subject:  Re: [] conical secondary (fwd)
      Date:  Fri, 15 Jun 2007 20:42:34 -0600 (MDT)
      >---------- Forwarded message ----------
      >Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 19:25:06 -0700
      >From: wysock@xxxxxxx
      >To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
      >Cc: William.C.Wysock@xxxxxxxx
      >Subject: Re: [] conical secondary (fwd)
      >Hello Finn and all.
      >>Proof of how successful this secondary coil design can
      be?  Just look at the
      >Griffith Observatory coil on my web site at:
      http://www.ttr.com.  Also please
      >see the two one-to-one copies I've made of this coil: GPO-1
      and GPO-2.
      >There is also a (mini) version of GPO-2 that is linked to my
      web site.
      >All these coils are up and running in a public venue
      >>Least efficient (but most practical design to build):
      cylindrical secondary.
      >More efficient (but difficult to wind): conical secondary.
      >Most efficient (but the hardest to build): pancake secondary
      and primary.
      >My friend and colleague Jeff Behary, has been making many
      new breakthroughs
      >in this last area of investigation.  Please see his web site
      >Best regards,
      >Bill Wysock.


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