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My new website such as it is

Original poster: Dan Williams <coilerdude@xxxxxxxxx>

You can find updated photos and info of my coiling exploits here


I just threw this up in the last hour so it's still rough.
I will get a better site up in time.

I mostly wanted to show people my VTTC somewhat inspired by Brett Millers 813 coil. I have wanted to get into coiling for over 20 years, Brett finally lit the fire under my butt when he demo'd his 6" disruptive for me a couple years ago. It still took me 2 years to get going but now I am properly hooked!!!

You can expect allot of updates from me, the original "Technoscavenger", if it can be made with no money from junk, I'm on it!!!

So far I have no cash into the VTTC, it is built from dumpster plastic and lexan, a discarded clown's balloon inflator, junk microwave parts, Military Surplus donated by a fellow Ham, and parts obtained from trades with Brett.

I still need 813 tube(s)!!! am willing to trade away anything but the wife & kids.

More updates coming.

Happy Coiling!


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