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RE: 18" sparks at 2KVA
Original poster: Brett Miller <brmtesla2@xxxxxxxxx>
--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: "Cameron B. Prince"
> <cplists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Brett,
> First of all, thanks for the compliments on my
> work... As for the MOT's and
> their wiring, I was lucky enough to have about 30
> MOT's donated to my
> project last year. I've tried about every connection
> combination you can
> think of with two of them in my VTTC. I've knocked
> the shuts out of some of
> them also.
> Hands down, the best results are using two MOT's
> with their outputs in
> series, inputs in parallel with the shunts left in.
I will have to try that sometime soon. So did you
verify that this dual mot (with shunts) operation gave
better performance than a single MOT with doubler?
> Running this same
> configuration with the shunts removed only increases
> current draw with
> essentially the same output.
> I used a skinny clip lead at first, but as you slow
> the pulse rate, the
> sparks begin to leap off the electrode somewhat
> sideways.
I actually experienced that at 60pps in my system when
I tried to use a microphone stand with an aluminum
boom extended as a spark target. The sparks were
attracted to the vertical stand and started bending 90
degrees or so in order to hit it. I have a video that
shows this happening.
> If you look
> closely in the later spark photos, you'll see I have
> an aluminum plate about
> 2.5 feet long and 8 inches wide suspended from my
> ceiling on a rig that
> allows me to adjust its height above the coil.
That's a great setup. Oh, and Lithium Carbonate makes
a great looking Red/Pink spark from the breakout
point, or on a screwdriver pulling power arcs.
> Cameron
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