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Re: grounding

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Matt,

Do you have the NST and Green Safety ground from the mains tied together at the NST? If, so, I would recommend removing the green safety ground (as long as the NST is safely isolated out of reach). If it's in a place where the case can be accidentally touched with the coil running, then keep the safety ground at the NST and remove the RF ground to the NST. The idea there is to simply keep the RF transients out of the safety ground circuit, but only if it is safe to do so.

Sometimes it is necessary to retune after an RF hookup, especially on small coils.

I've noticed no performance difference, but I've ran without an RF ground only a few times. Some have mentioned noticing a significant difference, but I wonder if retuning of L and k were involved or if the assumption was a knee-jerk reaction (maybe not).

Take care,

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Matt T." <p2sarethebomb@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I am new to coiling and just recently finished my first coil and have run it successfully but have run into a few problems.

I am working on installing a RF ground, but ran my coil the first few times with no RF ground, just a ground strap left floating. It performed well producing 23 inch streamers( my coil is powered by a 15 kv 30 ma NST). Just last night i connected to the RF ground and went to power up. Every time I ran up my variac to only a few volts, my safety breaker poped. I disconnected from RF ground and the coil performed as before. My RF ground is completely separate from the house ground so i don't understand what is happening. My one concern is that i have the center tap of my NST connected to RF ground, but everything i have read says that is how it should be. I don't mind running it unconnected, but am concerned with safety. I am also wondering if my performance would be increased with it grounded. I appreciate your time and any comments.


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